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Posts by: Admin

Allergy Management in Summer: Tips for Navigating the Season

With summer comes longer days, blooming flowers, and for many, the onset of seasonal allergies. While it’s a beautiful time to enjoy the outdoors, summer can also mean sneezing, congestion, and itchy eyes for those of us sensitive to certain allergens. Here are some strategies to help manage allergies during this season: Understanding Summer...

May 13, 2024 read more

Sick notes online: benefits of virtual clinic

Learn about how you can get a sick note with a virtual appointment with a doctor. When you’re feeling under the weather and need a sick note for work or school, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get one through virtual care. The good news is that it is possible to receive a sick note through Rocket Doctor, and it can be a convenient and...

November 7, 2023 read more

Sinus infections online treatment

Learn about how sinus infections can be diagnosed and treated with a virtual appointment. Sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, can be a painful and inconvenient condition that can affect your daily life. Symptoms may include congestion, facial pressure, difficulty breathing through the nose, and headaches. Virtual care can be an effective...

November 7, 2023 read more

Urinary Tract Infections: UTI treatment online

Learn about how UTIs can be diagnosed and treated with a virtual appointment. Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common and often uncomfortable condition caused by microbes (bacteria) entering the urinary tract causing symptoms such as pain or burning during urination, frequent urges to urinate, and abdominal pain. UTIs can be diagnosed and...

November 7, 2023 read more

Virtual care for rashes

Learn about how rashes can be diagnosed and treated with a virtual appointment. Rashes are a common and annoying skin condition that can range from mild to severe. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including allergies, infections, and irritation. In the past, if you wanted to get a rash treated, you would have to visit a healthcare...

November 7, 2023 read more

Prescription Refills: A Guide

Learn how you can get a prescription refill, quickly and easily with a virtual appointment. Prescription medications are an important part of managing health conditions and maintaining good health. If you need a medication refill, virtual care is a convenient and efficient way to get the prescription you need and avoid the time waiting in a...

November 7, 2023 read more

Skin infections online treatment

Learn about how skin infections can be diagnosed and treated with a virtual appointment. Skin infections can be uncomfortable and potentially serious. It is important to seek medical treatment if you think you have one. Fortunately, virtual care is an effective and convenient way to receive treatment for a skin infection from the comfort of your...

November 7, 2023 read more

Sexually Transmitted Infections: STI treatment online

Learn how to get advice and treatment for sexual health and sexually transmitted infections with a virtual appointment. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), sometimes referred to as sexually transmitted diseases or STDs, are a common health issue that can have serious consequences if left untreated. Treating STIs virtually has become...

November 7, 2023 read more